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Search Results: Viewing Inactive Job

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Job Number:  102604
District ID:  269
District:  Aurora R-VIII
Job Title:  Junior High Social Studies
Job Vacancy Description:  Social Studies
Description:  Aurora ​Junior High is seeking a qualified candidate for the position​ of 7th Grade Social Studies Instructor for the 2024-25 school year. Candidates should be skilled in building strong relationships, designing rigorous instruction, and creating an engaging classroom environment. Applicants must possess Missouri Certification and pass a criminal background check. A completed application packet includes the following items: 1) A completed district application, 2) A current resume and letter of interest in the position, 3) A copy of all teaching certificates, 4) A copy of all college transcripts, and 5) A minimum of three (3) letters of reference. Completed application packets or specific questions regarding the position should be directed to D​r. Scott Spooner, ​Junior High Principal at ​sspooner@aurorar8.org. Aurora operates on a 4-day school week (Monday - Thursday). Benefits include an insurance stipend. ​Available coaching positions include ​Head HS wrestling​, assistant ​HS baseball​, assistant HS football, and Head HS track.
Number of Openings:  1
Last Revised/Posted:  4/30/2024
Status:  Inactive
Organization Website:  www.aurorar8.org