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Search Results: 'Phelps Co. R-III | Full-Time Bus Driver | OTHER'

Job Number:  92801
District ID:  368
District:  Phelps Co. R-III
Job Title:  Full-Time Bus Driver
Job Vacancy Description:  OTHER
Description:  The Phelps County R-III School District (Edgar Springs) is seeking applicants for a bus driver. This position is approximately 20 hours per week (Tuesday through Friday) and offers health insurance, life insurance, and retirement. Applications are available on our website (pcr3.k12.mo.us) or may be picked up at the school office. For additional information, please email Bob Cottengim at bcottengim@pcr3.k12.mo.us or call 573-435-6293.
Number of Openings:  1
Last Revised/Posted:  8/2/2024
Status:  Active
Organization Website:  http://pcr3.k12.mo.us