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Search Results: Viewing Inactive Job

This job is no longer active.

Job Number:  70487
District ID:  497
District:  Plato R-V
Job Title:  Boys' Head Basketball Coach
Job Vacancy Description:  Coach (All Positions)
Description:  The Plato R-V School District is seeking applicants to serve as Assistant HS/MS Boys' Basketball Coach. Successful applicants must have a passion for developing student athletes and a willingness to work effectively with stakeholders toward overall success of the program. All applicants must be eligible for MSHSAA certification
Other Information:  Qualified applicants should submit the following items to Cara Holt
Plato R-V School District
P.O. Box A, Plato, Mo 65552:

1. Letter of interest
2. Resume with references
3. Completed district application, available at www.platorv.org
4. Transcript(s) of course work - minimum of 60 college hours required
6. Letters of recommendation
Number of Openings:  1
Last Revised/Posted:  8/7/2023
Status:  Inactive
Organization Website:  http://www.plato.k12.mo.us