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Search Results: 'Grundy Co R-V | Part-Time Superintendent 2025-2026 | Administration'

Job Number:  101869
District ID:  179
District:  Grundy Co R-V
Job Title:  Part-Time Superintendent 2025-2026
Job Vacancy Description:  Administration
Description:  Due to a retirement, the Grundy Co. R-V School District is looking for a part-time Superintendent for the 2025-26 school year. The small rural district is looking for a person to lead 2 principals, 23 teachers, 20 staff members, and a budget of $2.4 million. If this person is a retired administrator the 550-hour PSRS time limit is expected to be observed. The District does have a part-time administrator salary schedule. Grundy R-V is a 4-day school week! (Tuesday- Friday) with professional development scheduled for one Monday per month. Interested persons should contact the school district and request an application at 660.673.6511 or email ssearcy@grundyr5.k12.mo.us. Along with the application should be a resume, three letters of reference, and evidence of certification. Applications will be accepted until October 15, 2024.
Number of Openings:  1
Last Revised/Posted:  8/8/2024
Status:  Active
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