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Search Results: 'Pattonsburg R-II | K-12 Music | Music- Instrumental'

Job Number:  100410
District ID:  132
District:  Pattonsburg R-II
Job Title:  K-12 Music
Job Vacancy Description:  Music- Instrumental
Description:  The Pattonsburg R-II School District is seeking applications for a highly motivated and dedicated K-12 Music Teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. Pattonsburg utilizes a 4 day school week. The instructor will be responsible for teaching all music classes in grades K-12. There are dedicated hours for 5th grade band, 6th grade band, 7th-12th grade band, along with high school choir each day. Extra duty pay is also available. The instructor will be responsible to plan and implement daily instruction, work in a collaborative team with other teachers, and effectively communicate with students, staff and parents. This can be a part time position for just band. Applicants must possess appropriate Missouri DESE certification. This position may also have coaching and/or sponsorship opportunities. Applications may be found at pattonsburg.k12.mo.us. The Employment Application Link is found under the District Link. Please contact Bill Pottorff at bpottorff@pattonsburg.k12.mo.us or at 660-367-2111.
Number of Openings:  1
Last Revised/Posted:  7/19/2024
Status:  Active
Organization Website:  http://www.pattonsburg.k12.mo.us