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Search Results: Viewing Inactive Job

This job is no longer active.

Job Number:  103596
District ID:  358
District:  Perry Co. 32
Job Title:  Special Education Teacher
Job Vacancy Description:  Special Education (K-12)
Description:  Perry County School District No. 32 is seeking a Special Services Teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. Benefits for full-time employees include district-paid medical insurance (up to $650 per month in paid premiums), paid holiday, sick, and personal days; paid vacation for 12-month employees; district-matched participation in the PEERS/PSRS retirement system; and more!
Other Information:  Contact: Craig Hayden, Asst. Superintendent, Perry County School District No. 32, Perryville, MO 63775; (573)547-7500 X 1328. To be considered for a position, you MUST connect to our website at http://www.pcsd32.com, from the Menu click on the link to "Job Opportunities", next click on desired position "Certified". You will then be transferred to the online application site. We only accept applications on our website (Perry County School District No. 32).
Number of Openings:  1
Last Revised/Posted:  9/25/2024
Status:  Inactive
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