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Search For Missouri Teaching Jobs

Search Results: 'St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Schools | Learning Consultant/Resource Teacher | Elementary Education (1-6)'

Job Number:  75445
District ID:  618
District:  St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Schools
Job Title:  Learning Consultant/Resource Teacher
Job Vacancy Description:  Elementary Education (1-6)
Description:  The Learning Consultant/Resource Teacher collaborates with and provides support to classroom teachers in planning for specific student learning outcomes to improve the learning environment and help students succeed in school. The Learning Consultant/Resource Teacher assesses the needs of individual students and the use of data and information to determine each student’s current knowledge and skill level, may work in a variety of elementary educational, individual or small group settings, and assess student progress. Also, the Learning Consultant/Resource Teacher will initiate, coordinate and lead Care Team meetings, advocate for students by attending IEP meeting and design a plan specifically for the student, based on recommendations from the team. This job description is subject to change by the employer to address what is best for students. Please send application to dunterreiner@svdepaul.org
Number of Openings:  1
Last Revised/Posted:  5/16/2019
Status:  Active
Organization Website:  http://www.svdepaul.org/