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Search Results: 'Fulton 58 | Teacher - Special Education (Elementary) 2024-25 - Behavior Classroom | Behavior Disordered'

Job Number:  102514
District ID:  60
District:  Fulton 58
Job Title:  Teacher - Special Education (Elementary) 2024-25 - Behavior Classroom
Job Vacancy Description:  Behavior Disordered
Description:  2024-25 District Calendar (link) Fulton's calendar has 166 student days and 179 staff days. Snow days are built into our calendar and will not be made up. School begins on August 21, 2024, and ends on May 22, 2025. There are several planned breaks throughout the year: November 1 November 25-29 December 23-January 3 March 24-28 April 18-21 ___________________________________________________________________________ ***The program structure for this classroom will be designed to support children in a behavior-focused environment. The program aims to foster and develop skills surrounding social-emotional and emotional regulation through the use of Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans. Helping students gain the tools to help manage emotions and behaviors to regulate and learn coping strategies will be a main focus. Purpose Statement The job of Special Education Teacher is done for the purpose/s of providing support to the instructional process by serving as a teacher with specific responsibility for developing special education students' plans that address academics, interpersonal skills and activities of daily living; supervising students within the classroom and other assigned areas; developing lesson plans and delivering group and individual student instruction within established curriculum guidelines and instructional methodologies and strategies; collaborating with other teachers, professional staff, and administrators in addressing instructional and/or classroom issues; and responding to a wide range of inquiries from students' parents or guardians regarding instructional programs and student progress. This job reports to the principal.
Other Information:  To apply, please visit our website: www.fulton58.org, employment, current openings. Only online applications will be accepted.
Number of Openings:  1
Last Revised/Posted:  4/18/2024
Status:  Active
Organization Website:  www.fulton58.org