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Search Results: 'Aurora R-VIII | Upper Elementary (6th Grade) | Elementary Education (1-6)'

Job Number:  100907
District ID:  269
District:  Aurora R-VIII
Job Title:  Upper Elementary (6th Grade)
Job Vacancy Description:  Elementary Education (1-6)
Description:  The Aurora R-VIII School District is seeking applicants for a 6th Grade teacher for the 2024-2025 school year at Robinson School. Aurora R-VIII operates on a 4-day calendar (M-TH). Applicants must possess current certification for the position, demonstrate a student-centered philosophy on education, be driven to collaborate, have a growth mindset, be able to implement engaging instruction, and use data to achieve student growth. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are necessary for success in this position. Benefits include a Board-paid health insurance stipend and paid sick/personal leave days. Salary dependent upon years of experience and level of education - salary schedule and personnel guide can be found on the District's website - www.aurorar8.org. The application packet should include a completed online application on the district website, at least 3 references, and a copy of certification/ transcripts. Position will be posted until filled. You must complete the application on our website (www.aurorar8.org) to be considered for an interview. For additional information, please contact Mr. Michael Dake, Robinson School Principal, at 417-678-7436 or by email at mdake@aurorar8.org.
Number of Openings:  1
Last Revised/Posted:  3/3/2024
Status:  Active
Organization Website:  www.aurorar8.org