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Search Results: 'Aurora R-VIII | Behavior Specialist | Elementary'

Job Number:  100198
District ID:  269
District:  Aurora R-VIII
Job Title:  Behavior Specialist
Job Vacancy Description:  Elementary
Description:  The Aurora R-8 School District is seeking applicants for the 2024-2025 school year for a highly qualified Behavior Specialist with knowledge and skills necessary to assist individuals, groups and systems through the application of positive behavior supports. The Behavior Specialist will provide classroom and school-wide behavior management strategies, assist with data collection, and collaborate with team members. The Behavior Specialist will help develop Behavior Intervention Plans that address students’ behaviors and provide a means to help the students become more academically and socially successful. Experience with student behavior management and collaborative problem solving is preferred. Aurora students attend school Monday-Thursday (4 days a week only). Benefits include a Board-paid health insurance stipend and paid sick/personal leave days. Salary depends upon years of experience and level of education - salary schedule, personnel guide. Apply at www.aurorar8.org. ALL INTERESTED APPLICANTS MUST APPLY ONLINE ON THE AURORA R-VIII DISTRICT WEBSITE. Application packet should include a letter of application, 3 references, and a copy of certification/ transcripts. For additional information, please contact Mrs. Morgan Choate, Principal at Pate Early Childhood Center, at 417-678-1552 or by email at mchoate@aurorar8.org. Position will be open until filled.
Number of Openings:  1
Last Revised/Posted:  2/7/2024
Status:  Active
Organization Website:  www.aurorar8.org